I baked today again :) Oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips! Yay! Had my IS group meeting to settle some stuff. Went out with wt to purchase some baking needs and had lunch this afternoon :) Was late for my meeting by 30mins, i felt so bad! Well anyway, going back to school for another meeting tmr. I hope the cookies are nice :D All right, that's about it now :)
Common tests are coming again :( Ohh man!
Got into BAsociety main comm :)
I realised i haven't been updating but there's really not much to update so yes
Starting to grow lazy to bake, haha. I baked again today, 'double chocolate and white chocolate chip cookies'. I think the cocoa powder i put is kind of bitter so the cookies are bitter? Though i followed the recipe right!
Just returned from the tiring MC camp. It was FUN though! :D I would say the game i played were really creative! They're things i've never really done before :) It was great! Haha :D
Yeah, that's about it for now :)
School has been pretty normal so far D:
Yeah.. 1 term is going to end soon, can you believe that?
Well, yeah that's all that has happened so far
The baking craze is slowly dying down x) Vanessa got her new handmixer! Haha, so good! I've still got 3 bars of butter left! Oh noo! Haha, maybe vanessa can send me the melting moments recipe and i shall make it :) Maybe she should lend me her corn flour too x)
Yeah, well. Had my telephone etiqueutte test yesterday and i think i screwed it up T.T I got reservation for a table in some hotel. And i forgot to ask her for the date and time for reservation! That's like so stupiddddd! Oh mannnn! I made a lot of other blunders too :( I hope i can still get my A
SUCCESS! :) I baked a chocolate cake today! :D
Well, the only tin i had was this heartshaped one which i used to bake for MNK's birthday in sec4 :)

Omg, look so chaota xD

Oh dearrr, so black T.T I couldn't manage to grasp control of the heat in my oven since it was the kind of more tradition types? It's not even heating from all around. So yup! Gotta learn from my experiences :)

Lol, and it tastes kind of great too! :D Can't wait to let my relatives try it! And not forgetting my lovely friendss :3 I put the cake in front of me so i can watch out for annoying ants or bugs that try to steal this chocolate-y goodness! Haha, and the smell's so tempting! But I've got a sore throat T.T
Perhaps i shall bake for the next upcoming birthday event! SO! Who's is it? :) Oh i think i should also bake for the just past birthday events cause i feel bad for not giving them a present :( So just wait for my cake amelia and andy! :D
Should i do the chocolate icing too? Hmmm, i've got the ingredients and instructions. Maybe i should to cover up all the disgusting wrinkly face of the cake x) It looks bad D: