Went out this morning with my mum to the post office to collect the online orders :) And still no news of our clothes :( Haha, so well! At least the bags came :)
Mum fetched me home after that. Slacked around until i went out to meet rox, wt, van, val and jac at somerset mrt for
Princess and the Frog movie at cine :D Talked about a lot of lovely things~ :) Yup. We originally wanted to catch the 2.30pm movie but we didn't make it in time so we caught the 4.30pm one instead.
Had pastamania for lunch since we were early. Ahh, caught up on old times and talked about new things. Saw Alicia Ho, the one from wt's class and jac's current JC.
So it was 4pm and we went to get popcorn! :D I love popcorn! Went into the theatre and yeah. The movie was GREAT! Though perhaps a little disturbing for the little children cause there were some freaky scenes? And they actually killed off a character! :O Ahh, times have changed, children are no longer as pure and innocent x) Theyre exposed to killings and other morbid things, haha!
At least the show had a happy ending! :D
So it ended.
Abigail came to join us for dinner :D Walked to fareast and wanted to do a little shopping cause we weren't hungry yet. Didn't manage to buy anything though x) Even simple things like a ipod pouch to replace my broken one and sandals. Didn't get them. Had dinner at
Hans. Valerie interviewed me for her project and it was like so informal xD I was using horribly broken english and singlish! Omg, so embarrassing T.T
Vanessa had to leave so we all did~ Took 105 home :) Roxanne was exclaiming her love for this new korean drama which i do happened to have heard about xD
That's all for tonight!
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!Though it's kind of late to only post it here now but it's the thought that counts right? :)
Whee wheee!
Hope you guys have fun during this day! :) May you all get lots of lots of gifts!
Don't really feel the festive spirit though D: Oh well! It's all good, it's all good :)
It's all projects after christmas :( BIG sigh!
Just returned from BAMP and it was a
GREAT experience! :) :) Anyway, shall recall and post about what roughly happened. Please pardon my bad memory x) Here i go :D It's going to be a looooong post :D
Day #1Went to KAP macs with vanessa, weiting, joan, sandra and siying for breakfast. So we ate and talked :) Then we went to school together and met roxanne at the busstop. Met raymond along the way and walked to canteen2 together. Settled down and realised that we were kind of early though it was already the meeting time. We took photos together and then sandra went off. So we were told to sit in our groups and we saw our group members for the first time. It consisted of junlin, joel (he was a year3), angela, vanessa, weiting and i at first. Wei an came later. Introduced ourselves and yeah.
So we went to play bonding games. Realised that the people are really funny xD Our leaders were foongchin and hashyimah. Anyway, so went to the loft to put down our stuffs :) Then proceeded to the first activity which was to
water mummy. I was the mummy and i ended up REALLY WET AND DISGUSTING. My shirt is as good as trash after the whole game xD Pieces of tissue paper was stuck all over it :(
So the next activity was some games. They consisted of tug-of-war and captains ball. Our first station was captains ball. Stress! We played with potato and carrots instead of balls, haha! Creative! Well, we lost xD Then our next station was tug-of-war. I think this was fun! :D I really pulled with my all! We got 2nd place but it was still good :)
After this was wash-up and dinner. So we ate first and then went back to the loft to bathe.
After eating, we went the lt77 to watch a horror movie before going for our nightwalk. We watched
Phobia. It was like a collection of short stories which were all damn scary! I just covered everything with my hands and read the subs xD Anyway, in our nightwalk, we were supposed to figure out this mystery about someone's death. So we had to find out who killed the person, with what and what's the motive. The nightwalk was tiring man! And the worst part was it rained and we all got sweaty and dirty again :( We were super exhausted! Slept at 3am+ :(
Day #2
Woke up at 8am to bathe and assembled at canteen2 at 9am. Was having slight muscle aches from yesterday haha. People were late and all x) Our first activity this day was a marathon. So there was the swimming, running and climbing section. Wt and i did the swimming cause the rest either couldn't or they were reserved for the physically demanding section.
So we sat around this area waiting to go to the pool. Then joel and weian came to join us. Then went to the pool. Anyway, got myself all wet after bathing D: But it was all for a good cause!
I think we practically picked up all the numbers in the pool! But we finally completed and got the correct numbers! Wt and i ran to our groupmembers to tell them the code so they can proceed to the next station. Our group seemed to be the 2nd last one left xD
Sat down at the entrance to the pool and talked for awhile. We suddenly realised that there was no one left in the pool and we headed off too x)
Went to vanessa's station to have a look~ Was dripping wet and cold :( Junlin and vanessa were doing the running sectiom. So after they finished, we all went back to canteen2 to relax. It was kind of awkward at first cause junlin didn't speak much. So the 3 of us kept thinking of stuff to talk about xD But it was all good :) We had fun talking about stuff.
Then people started to return. Was getting worse muscle aches from the swimming xD
It was lunch time~ Had lunch. The people in our group are really indeed funny!
After that we had more station games~ Was really tired from all the exercises in the morning xD But i think the swimming one was the least taxing, lols. Played in the station games~ We played this game where we had to line up pieces of equations in order. Some numbers in the equations are represented by different languages, blind leading the blind, 9squares picture puzzle game, charades.
Anyway, we finished this game and went on to the dog and bone game. It was damn nonsense! My number was called over and over and it was damn tiring! And the opposing team's #7 was like damn strong uh! Okay, so fell once and some of the guys were damn violent for the games D: Wt injured her toe.
Then we went for dinner xD Felt really digusting and wet! After that, we went to discuss about the plans for tonight's campfire performance. Practised our dance :) Went back to loft to change into a shirt and rushed to the field infront of the admin block for campfire. Vanessa had to leave for her hongkong trip the next day :( So went to say byebye to her at the busstop. Then went back to gather in the field.
We were taught campfire songs :) Then our red group was 1st to perform so we went up. Omg the skit was sick! So sexual D: Some of the other groups were also a bit sexually disturbing xD
In between performances, we had games like this bed and children game, up game and stuff and we did a friendship dance :) Had fun! So we had the last few performances and we went back to the loft :)
Joan came over to wt and my room. Then yinghong, sy and rox came. Talked a bit then raymond came over. Joan, yinghong, rox, sy and raymond then went out for supper while wt and i slept. Wt and i talked a bit before going to sleep :) Slept at nearing 3am. Joan then called me in the middle of the night to ask me if i wanted to eat prata cause she bought too much but i was like sleeping, lols
Day #3
Woke up at 8.30am today. Packed our stuff and went to gather at canteen2. We were actually late by 15mins but people were still not there~ Was waiting for instructions about breakfast but there was none so decided to buy my own breakfast from the canteen instead x) Then enping came and said
"eh, you all don't want to eat my bread uh? it's full nutrition bread eh~" Then he walked off, haha.
Then we had this bidding thingy where we bidded for stuff with the points we earned the previous day during the games. So we got ourselves some snacks and starbucks voucher :)
That was the end~ Had a closing speech and all and we could go home :3 Took a camp photo first and we hung around to take photos x) Then we left. Didn't feel like going home cause i feel like going home meant that i would be back to my projects and reality :(
Went to TPY hub with roxanne cause she needed to go popular. Bought her stuff and we went for lunch at MOS. Went to get my glasses fixed to the right degree :) He said i could collect tmr. I should go run all my errands tmr! I need to collect post from the serangoon post office branch and dental and my glasses.
Went home after that~
Photo gallore! :D

LOVE! :)

Roxanne's trademark move x)

We love
Omg, i forgot to mention that we had pizza for dinner x)

Tsktsk uh! Vanessa anyhow take her brother's new exercise book and tore out of it xD But i wonder why he left it there in the 1st place, haha!

Drew lots for presents :D

All the presents.

My pretty flower ring! x)
Friday(18dec)Had our last paper today at 8.30am! MAEC is going DOWN! So yes, finished my paper 5minutes after its commencement so i took things slowly~ Checked my paper over and over and over again and
thought i didn't make mistakes. Was pretty confident of my full marks but my hopes were
shattered when i found out i made so many mistakes,
stupid mistakes. Okay, anyway, it ended and yea.
I've found out that you don't realise the number of amazing gifts that lie around if you don't go have a look around you.
Okay, the others came and joined us. Made our way to vanessa's old house~
Abigail went to vanessa's straight on her own. We watched
Howl's Moving Castle at her house.

It was a lovely story :) Out of the 3 similar styled movies i've watched, this one may be the happiest one ever :) In the other 2 movies, the ending was like sad cause the main characters were friggin separated!! :( By the way,
young howl looks like
haku from
spirited away! xD

This is
Haku(left) and this is
Exchanged christmas presents! :D I got abigail's present and roxanne got mine :)
Anyway, talked and laughed a lot! :D Had fun fun fun! :) Took lots of crazy photos that are not uploaded yet. Played some games in vanessa's room :) Talked and laughed til 10pm and everyone left for home. Vanessa, weiting and i were the only ones who stayed over x) Talked about stuff til about 1-2am or so x)
Woke up at 9.30am Vanessa got woken up by wt and my whispers as we were talking xD Talked somemore~ And finally got up and went for breakfast at the downstairs market at about 11.30am. Had duck rice :) Misplaced my flower ring between this time and the time when we were back at vanessa's house. I really don't know where it went! :(
My glasses' degree is not right! The right eye is blurrer than my old specs :O I need to go get it fixed T.T aww man! So tiring to keep having to return there x)
That's all!
Common tests are here!
They are good and bad :) Good thing is, the holidays are just near! But, of course, the bad thing is the obvious, it's the process! :(
Had LMS presentation today and that was the final stressful event before the tests :) Teacher said we were around the B+ range but there will still be moderation and it may not be accurate. Oh please let us get good marks. I'm really depending on a lot of subjects this semester in order to bring my GPA up :( My cousin's going to be having a holiday next week while i have my tests! :(
I'm not even in the exam mood! I don't feel anything. I don't even feel its importance. I really really need to get good marks! :( I studied but i'm still worried, yet at the same time, i don't feel like caring much about it D:
PBL2 sounds tough! I really don't know how to craft my own questions :( Oh dearrr~ I got a feeling i'll get SUPER stressed out with it again T.T Sighhh~
Oh well, that's about all for today.
Wish me luck for the CTs! :)

I lie awake and pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy you're mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay
Right beside you
I am going to get more white hair sprouting from the top of my head :(
I'm not
that worried but i'm still worried. Need to find an business law article by monday, do my lms which is due on friday (i can't find anything on COW T.T) and we need to do our business law tutorial (which i am growing tired of doing).
Kind of sad that we couldn't get full marks for DSS PBL 1 because we left out some stuff that was in the instructions but missed them out :( The technique's all correct, just that we forgot to do a few things T.T Why didn't anyone check my work?
Not forgetting exams are just around the corner. Feeling
reaaaalllyyy lazy to study. Not absorbing whatever i read. Even if i did, i'll forget it within the next day :( Aw man!
Fortunately, there's no japanese class next week, but i'm still staying back for lms project on tues. And meeting my mentor on wednesday after class~
Omg, time flies. The immediate monday would be my POA paper! I hope i do all right :(
Can't wait for common tests to be over! At least then, i can relax a little :D
Went to school as usual today. But i went to tpy ntuc and popular to buy some stuff before that. Did the LMS interview of Mrs. Agnes Kow with my group members. Went for lms at 2.15pm cause of it. The teacher approved of it though :) Listened to class for about half an hour and my teacher ended it.
Yuling accompanied me to
Makan Place to wait for vanessa and company. She was going to have a cca meeting later at 5pm so we decided to sit down and talk for the time being :D Talked and laughed x) Talked about so many random things!
Anyway, the others came. Vanessa also talked quite a bit to her. Then she had to go off for her meeting~ More people came. Sandra, Roxanne and Siying came but not altogether. Talked a bit before going off.
Signed up for
Well, that's about all!