just a totally random experience.this happened on the closest saturday, during the half an hour band break.
andrea, karen, sandra and i were headed to the junction 168 shop (if i dont remember wrongly) to buy some snacks to fill our empty stomachs. then, my juniors, jingyun and eliza queued behind us. there we were queueing up. just then, an extremely tanned man of height 170cm+ who was believed to be an indian man walked over.
at first, he had only asked the few girls in front of us in the queue about why we were there this early in the morning (it was around 10am then). however, no one replied to his question. Then he continued walking over and stood behind us as the last person in the queue instead. the man then asked us the same question. my juniors appeared rather shy and quiet, being like the
'mother hen' xD, i decided to answer him. we had a random question and answer session for a few seconds.
Just then, he had appeared rather sweaty and seemed to breathe heavily. i was rather confused as to why he had appeared that way. i even wondered if he was drunk. Then, he said something astonishing. The words "I am starting to like you guys.." came out of his mouth. "What?!", i exclaimed. i was practically shouting at him. then he replied "yeah, yeah.." i was starting to have a second thought about my theory of him being drunk.
Just as i had guessed, he was indeed drunk. In his hand was a can of beer of a brand which i had never seen or heard of. my juniors were all shocked when they heard him say that. we grew frightened of him. fortunately, we managed to purchase our food and left. well, i thought i was having a hearing problem. they heard the exact same things and were shocked too.
Andrea then said "who would drink beer early in the morning" and we all burst into laughter. okay maybe a little bit exaggerated, but i thought it was funny! well, thats the end to the totally random experience xD
Such busy schedules!i have to feel so stressed up even after the exams! rahh! there are just too many events coming up! i dont even have the time to breathe!
first up, there is going to be a lot of band practises! and being the first on the 5th set of the solo platform thing is such so tiring! sigh. well, there is still section competition. theres just too much to do. oh besides all those, there is an upcoming
concert on the 1st dec! oh yes, if anybody's interested, do come and purchase the tickets from me =D it should cost around $12 and the venue is the school hall xD im not sure about the time yet though. i know i know, but we're doing a fund raiser! =) theres just too much to practise right now! rahhh!
my birthday is also coming! unfortunately, theres band on the exact day! the last year, it was on the day of mrs. stella kuan's wedding! i didnt even get a chance to celebrate T.T well does going out for supper at kfc counted? xD sigh. it was so unofficial! additionally, my family didnt exactly celebrate last year. so i guess it was a pretty empty birthday.
right, am planning to have a bbq at my grandparents' house this sunday with a few friends! im just worried that it'll become rather awkward xD but i hope not! we might also be going to some boardgame shop zx has always mentioned in the following week or later xD so cool! we shall have a second gathering!
there is also andrea and jolander's halloween party! thats actually pretty cool! xD i mean ive always thought only people in the states would actually have this sort of thing. but i guess its pretty interesting to have it in singapore! im supposed to dress up and i have no idea of what to dress as! xD van and zx are dressing up as dead PE girls?? xD well maybe i'll just wear a sheet with 2 eye holes! xD okay thats silly! haha. well, any ideas?
aw man! we'll be having normal lessons tmr and on thursday. the sad thing is, i'll be having chemistry practical on thursday! thats so stressful! i wonder what they'll test! i hope i know how to answer the questions! there, another thing to worry about. dang!
job attachment is drawing near! but mine's most probably on the 13-16th nov. i'll be missing band on the 15th nov. and theres a week of extra school after the last day of school for sec3s! sad huh. i bet there'll be mountain piles of holiday homework again! urgh!
the holidays are going to end very quickly especially with the ongoing band practises and the concert itself. it'll be very fast til the next exam and followed by the biggest exam ever- O levels!! i'll be so so so
uber stressed!!
sigh. well, what can i do. i guess thats the way of life? ups and downs. just got to hang on to my safety belt and the downgoing journey shouldnt be too hard. go me! =D
a trip to roxanne's house!the last day before school starts again after the 6days marking day holiday! we met at bishan junction 8 in the early morning, 10am. jacqueline was once again late! well according to siying (i think), she thought the meeting time was 10.30am! ahh! late late late
chad! xD vanessa woke up late the morning, not sure why thought. perhaps it was due to the pevious day (some people came my house xD). well at least they arrived earlier than our darling jac/
chad! xD
we proceeded to the 4th floor. some people stopped by the food junction to have their breakfast while the rest of us went to the arcade. it was my first time in bishan's arcade. it was pretty empty, well cause it was 11am on a weekday. the first game we played was bishi bashi! haha. wow whee, vanessa can play the game too maa! xD well anyway, then we went on to play the racing game. i played that in a total of 2 times. got 2nd for both. jacqueline is a professional on it! xD shes always appeared last at the start and in the end, she managed to surpass everybody and ended up 1st!
well, roxanne and i played this shooting game. it was considered my first time playing a game with a gun and a pedal! like those police shooting gun games whatever xD my finger got tired! i wonder how those people who are totally in love with these gun games survive? after awhile, we decided to head for roxanne's house.
at roxanne's house, the first thing we did was watch a movie. guess what, the movie we watched was supposedly
R21!! well, not the sick kind of movie but rather a
very very very bloody and violent movie! it was called
'Creep'. apparently, the cover rated it PG13. thats simply absurd! i mean once you watch the movie, you get what i mean xD it was a really horrible show! i dont mean a totally stupid show or anything, but a really traumatising show xD like with blood spurting everywhere!!
the movie didnt really have a plot either? its just about this girl running away from this
freaky monkey man/zombie/freak who does not seem to die after multiple stabs on the body and severe blood loss! we didnt get to understand the sory behind this crazy murderer who somehow lives in the sewers and never gets caught with the indiscriminate killings and leaving their blood trails everywhere in the train station.
well, it was kind of sad that so many people died! some of which consisted of good people! i distinctively remember a scene where the train master was killed. the freak man just sliced his neck like multiple times! the blood just started pouring everywhere! they didnt even censor it! and the guy just lifted his head backwards. i mean can you imagine! having your neck sliced and then pulling it back to further open the wound?!?! im so polluted xD there was also another scene where that freak man pretended he was a doctor and started to saw this innocent living girl to her death! i couldnt understand his past, like why were there babies in containers, why did he pretend to be a surgeon, why did he have a picture of this old doctor and his son? who were those people? well i dont wish to find out xD there were
many other violent scenes! and i mean
violent and bloody!!
well, jacqueline seemed rather immuned to all that shit coming from the movie xD we were all pretty hungry at the end of the movie. we ordered KFC at first, but they didnt accept some of our orders cause they were only for dine in. so we ordered Mcdonalds instead. okay, so the mcdonalds person took a rather long time to deliver our food, also leaving out our fries! haha. so siying called them again and our fries came half an hour later. we were occupying roxanne's playstation in the mean time. played DDR with zx's cd and map. zx is such a profession on it! she danced like nobody's business and scored freaking high scores! xD i couldnt even coordinate my legs and timing so confusing xD everything just came together and my mind went blank haha xD
after having our lunch, we continued playing the PS2. we played this game where we need to shoot the incoming things to protect this weird looking rabbit with eyes detached from its head xD well jac and zx thought it was cute. i thought it was funny looking cause of the huge triangular head and funny teeth xD i accidentally shot its head a few times xD oops and he just fell down haha!
jac is going to name it chad again! xD after the long and tiring journey, the rabbit managed to make his way through many stages thansk to our professionalism! xD did i also mention he was supposedly a prince of some sort? he didnt look like one? xD
siying loved the piano! she played it and played it and played it xD cool. haha. we went on to another game, something about marvel vs capcom was it? xD it was a funny game when valerie came in to play. she chose this chunli girl who kept going 'yip yip yip yip yip!' many times and very quickly. it sounded rather hilarious! xD then we played this x-men game. im not really sure what its called xD jac was playing and she kept complaining about how boring it was to only use one power xD then we changed it again. we played bleach next. valerie was on the playing list, she used ishida (we chose it for her! xD) and kept complaining about how terrible his attacks were cause he was the long range kind of person (he uses archery). what nonsense man!
jac was next, she used ichigo. and she complained about how boring it was cause the guy could only slice things and had no special talents xD well according to the show later on, he does have other powers but perhaps the game was created much earlier, so it didnt have that much data of ichigo yet xD well jac was funny xD she seems to like the quote: "im bored to tears!" haha!
it was about 6pm when we decided to leave the house. apparently, we didnt dare to go to the toilets or anything due the the movie 'creep' that got scary scenes and images imprinted in our heads xD well anyway, managed to go home. but the first thing i did was turn on all the lights in the house and sat on my sofa for the next half an hour, too afraid to move about xD the sky was getting extremely dark and started rainning. it was then i decided i couldnt sit there forever and had to bathe xD so i summoned out all my courage to walk into my room and to the toilet xD my toilet had these removable square pieces above the shower room. and i was wildly imagining the creepy hands coming out from it and grabbing me by the head xD (from the movie, but in the toilet, in the train instead) well fortunately, my mother had returned home!
and that was how the day ended, prepared for the next day of boring school and paper checking day. rahh! will be checking our remaining papers tmr again. i dont want to fail anything. hopefully, i can get some Bs for them too. sigh, got my job attachment posting as well i think. apparently, i had chosen to work in the interest group under 'Eagles Communication' as some collating mail packages person? haha i dont know what he does but i'll get to find out xD well how fun it would be! right, shall end here now.
the picture post! (note: this is not in order of the sequence of events)

and there we are.. our last arriving 'guest' xD

oh are we gossiping? nah xD ohoh! look at the new mrt station thing behind! i hope it completes soon so it would be easier to go to bishan straight from my house =)

congregating again i see? note: this isnt a surprise for we always congregate xD

the sleepy train ride xD

weiting stares at jacqueline as she pretended to fly xD

tying our skates again xD

this was the first machine we played, the flinestone memory thing xD
this is the bishi bashi game! it was so fun xD

all 7 of us on the ice skating rink! rox, val, wt, me, van, jac, zx!
whack the ducks!
this is what they look like when they fall xD you can see that punching glove machanism xD
they refused to let go of the railings at first! xD
the independant skater jac! haha shes doing it!
An after-exam outing, 7 of us! (nokiah family! taken from roxanne's reminder)we went for an ice skating trip today! well we managed to convince jacqueline along! =DD! i havent skated for a long time now!
we met in the bishan mrt at around 9.15am today. roxanne was the first, then me, valerie, weiting & vanessa, zhixin then jacqueline. hah! jac is the last! you'd better be the first on the next outing xD well anyway. boarded the train and headed for jurong east! it was a longgg trip. listened to my mp3 throughout. valerie and roxanne were having such a good time talking about claymore and all so i didnt want to disturb them xD well the train was rather empty cause it
was 10am in the morning and who would go to jurong east at a time and day like this? xD
cutting away the in betweens (think its going to be a rather long post xD). we arrived at the ice skating place. well we did have 7 people and we were all paying individually for the tickets so it took quite some time to figure out our change xD there was also another group of people behind us =P well.. i took a rather long time to arrange the change and all xD guess they were pretty annoyed?
then we went in, put on our skates and stuffed all our bags into the locker and zoomed off into the ice! xD yes apparently, zhixin refused to move away from the barrier! xD and weiting insisted that she wanted to hold on to the barrier. oh well in the end she was skating like a pro! =) zhixin still stood pretty close to the barrier xD well jacqueline is one independant learner! want to offer help she'll zoom off xD valerie had muscle pulls. wt was the 'doctor' for the day =D haha.
oh before i forget! there was this small boy. i believe he was only about 6-7 years old? well he was i think shorter than 1m xD well anyway, he was IN LOVE WITH JAC! hahaha xD well that was what i heard from vanessa xD the boy wanted to throw bits of snow picked off the skating ring at zx and rox at first xD then rox told him to stop it. i cant believe she would say that to him!! xDDD hahaha! then after that, wt and jac were skating hand in hand. then when they raised their hands, the boy skated under the hands and in between them! THAT WAS SO FUNNY! xD i was behind them haha. i forgot who was beside me? xD there was another time, he went to lift wt's hand as he skated pass. that was damn funny!!! hahaha i wont forget that xD
right took damn of photos while in the skating rink. people must think we're mad. haha! my left leg second toe was aching like crap! the shoe was super tight! well after tolerating 2 hours of aching toes xD we left the rink. well we left with around 100++ photos according to roxanne.
went for lunch after that. some wanted delifrance, some wanted pizza hut, some wanted kfc, ome wanted food court, some wanted kobayashi (i was one of the kobayashi people! xD)! we congregated for an extremely long period of time. travelling from the 1st story to the 2nd and back to the 1st again xD we ended up at kobayashi. i love the noodles thing! i still cant remember what its called xD like this scrambled egg with noodles(and i mean WITH the noodles) with this delicious gravy! it was delicious! well we sure didnt make the wrong choice =)
after lunch, went to the arcade. the first thing we played was this flinestone memory game thing xD everybody had to memorise one number. it was damn 'cheating' xD wt memorised 2. what an easy game for 7 people all together! we actually got 11 tickets from it, the neighbouring machine had some tickets and nobody seemed to want it, so we decided to tear it out! haha so evil xD then we went on the this whack the duck thing. whereby we were supposed to hit the button and this boxing glove thing attached to a machism would punch the ducks and theyll fall. hit as many as possible, i think we got a little too violent xD
we went to play bishi bashi! it was a super fun game! but we lost to the computers in the end! sheesh! xD we went to play photofind! well once again, we had 7 pairs of eyes! but we still lost! so crap we couldnt even see the difference! haha. we went to play this japanese drumming thing. the animated characters were SO adorable!! well valerie went to play this ninja shooting thingy xD but the card ran out of money. so only valerie was playing it. well that put an end to the arcade madness xD we exchanged the useless 23 tickets for this set of fruit erasers xD vanessa stuffed it into jac's bag. haha!
went into minitoons to get a bag of marshmallows and gummies! we walked one round in the bishan arcade to take a look at what they have. zhixin and i saw 2 bishi bashi machines! xD so cool! im starting to LOVE that game! haha.
headed back to bishan junction 8. walked around and we congregated again right outside the doors. we were kind of hindering the traffic but who cares xD i think we stood there for at least 15minutes trying to discuss about our next meeting. haha. then we finally went on our separate ways. i didnt know jac could take 58 too! xD well we chased after the bus. you know running beside our school's best sprinter
is stressful! xD jac named the octopus on the gummy bag chad! haha well she named it jac but i heard chad, SO CHAD IT IS! xD
right i cant wait for our
next meeting! whooo! long live the NOKIAH FAMILY! xD
mongs - van
mongkii - me
mongeku - wt
mongkuki - rox
mongzazu - jac
mongtutu - zx
mongalu - val
monghutu - hj
... more to join the family! haha =D
switch off the exam mode!ive waited and waited, and its finally over! i can finally come online without the need to feel guilty xD melissa nicole and i even went for a movie after the day of geography exam xD we went to marina square to catch ratatouille. cant believe theyre still showing it xD we smuggled in bread from breadtalk into the cinema xD well the theatre was big but there were only around 2 rows occupied. it seems quite wasted xD
well the movie was funny! the rats were cute too! haha. we bought this 'crystal jelly' thing. the ones you put into water and it'll multiply. melissa wanted to buy it for the sake of experimenting xD well we did in the end and shall wait for nicole's news xD
right! exams are finally over! and band is returning. waa! okay this is such a short post! whatever, i shall continue this another time xD
gecko love!check this video out! its simply adorable! okay maybe there are some people out there who really dislikes lizards and geckos xD but watch it its really really funny!
well anyway, had chinese paper 1 and social studies end of year exam today. damn i hope i did well! the SBQ was a de-contextualised source and it was.. well i dont know for you, but i was completely confused. i didnt understand what the source was saying! i didnt even understand the question about the role of the international communities. i couldnt connect the source and the question! i think im so dead! i just hope my section b would pull me up. i hope i did a reasonable explanation on why i chose the particular factor.
i guess i was pretty satisfied with chinese. not that im 100% sure that i would get a distinction for it or whatever, i just felt that i had done better than the midyears when i totally wrote out of point! that was the reason i failed my composition! well, the topic was on teenagers blogging. you know.. i had written about the topics which i had said i would not be doing! thats just crazy! it was my first time doing a newspaper report (bao zhang bao dao) topic and also writing a letter to the media (gong han) or whatever. waaa right id better get going! ive been slacking the whole day today! just 1 more week to go!