I could just tear my hair off!i have been extremely stressed lately! with the pressure from certain teachers for certain subjects. and with the section competition drawing near! i dont know what else to not worry about. goodness! i'll be having 3 tests next week. and i have yet to find an appropriate piece for the section competition! i cant help but to worry so much about both of it!
i cant do badly for my tests! or a certain teacher would STRANGLE me! goodness! i mean she expects us to be at top form 100% of the time. sheesh! i guess a number of downfalls isnt a problem right? but perhaps she thinks when you fall down, you'll become stupid! well okay i dont know what she thinks. but the way she reacts to the bad test results some of my friends had is like extreme! this is just so pressurising! and i cant even imagine what i'll be like when O levels are near xD
right right. sorry for not being to post for such a long time. you do notice that i was too stressed to even come online to blog and all. promenade is coming too! in 2 weeks time i'll be staying back everyday til 10pm or hopefully earlier for rehearsals. i understand the rehearsal for band isnt as heavy as the ones for choir dance and all. but still we had to be there til 10pm. i completely understand the other cca's feelings. xD well at least we'll have an excuse for not passing up our homework on time =D
heard there will be a year end concert too. it may be on 2 nights. how interesting. having a concert on 2 nights sound like some sort of big production xD the teachers-in-charge also said that we might be going on an aeroplane overseas trip! so cool! i want to go! but its in june. and with the pressure of O levels mounting up, i dont know whether i'll be able to go for it. but i really want to! i heard its either japan or another country which i cannot remember. xD i want to go japan!
lucky JS! your O levels would be over soon and you'll be able to enjoy after this! sighs. haha you better start studying like MAD!
right right. i should be going off now then. write again soon.
the glass is half empty!haha. that was just a random statement. well it's quite interesting looking from that point of view. well its believed to be the pessimistic point of perspective. but isnt that what most of the people think? we wouldnt actually rejoice for there is still half a glass full of juice to savour on. im sure most of us here would be thinking "
oh man! ive already drank half of it and theres only half left to enjoy" okay maybe for some extremely enthusiastic people who are always optimistic about things.
also! my class would be having 4 tests next week! so damn!! well you see there is physics geography e.maths and a.maths! so nonsensical! i want to tutor. haha okay that was random but i thought it would be fun to be part of the peer tutoring thing. however due to my irregular schedule these days, i cannot even confirm the exact time i can reach home from perhaps next week onwards. and damn i hate the silly pop-ups! my understanding towards physics is getting from bad to worse! this is terrible! i might just fail for end years! oh noo that cannot be. ah sighs my class is just simply too stressful!
yes Honours Day is tmr. got to reach school by 7.30am! so early. even earlier than early. haha. right got to go off for dinner now.
The so called 'food expedition'! (note: the pictures are not in order. i'm too lazy to bother about the sequence right now xD)
wow whee! the merlion~ well half of it.

beautiful sunset!

my breakfast.

the singapore;s dump site? dont know what island this is. but its big! what the hell. what happened to save the world?

the little ship tugging onto the heavy i dont know "plate" of burnt rubbish! gawh would you look at the amount of GARBAGE we produce! sheesh. everyday like this!

a passing by chinese looking ship. i do not know their purpose xD

my mother's dessert!

my dessert! obviously this is once again (flavour which i do not know?)sherbert!

look at everybody's desserts!

beautiful sunset,

beautiful sunset again. my cousin loves the angle thing. xD

the complicated display of utensils!

my mother's appetizer

my appetizer

my main course

my mother's main course

ice cream! coffee something i cannot remember xD

the place itself.

lime sherbert is just so wonderful!

look at the light rays so cool. this is at about 6.40pm+

look at the even prettier light rays!

mother and child ship? xD

the bread is on fire!

the lovely una ju! eel eel love!

delicious sushi! this time there was more food choices xD but not to forget how expensive these were!

this plate of raw salmon may be extremely expensive! but very delicious and fresh.

Night life of Singapore. by the way, i was trying to take a picture of the lonely star. no a satellite actually xD see it? that dot!

Leaving dork. look at the waves.

a bridge in singapore which i do not recognise

nightlife of singapore

notice the bright orange light, thats like a huge ball of fire burning at the top of this tower i dont know. i forgot what my uncle said this was. the oil refinery? and look at the smoke produced! save the world. sheesh.

Notice the purple merlion

Nightlife of Singapore

Swimming pool

Nightlife of Singapore again.

Night life of Singapore again again. look at the tiny cable cars!
'Tick tock..' goes the clock, so many events!i was just walking outside my school when i suddenly saw someone i knew. i dont understand this particular feeling i suddenly had. there was this image of laughter in my mind and i remembered the times we laughed and smiled together. it kind of feels sad. well it's just so weird! nevermind that, let us move on to another topic.
right! the botanical garden performance was well better than i expected i guess? hah. i mean i thought we didn't sound like we should but i guess we turned out fine. i see peope drifting away right now. haha. had this A.maths test today! i didnt even prepare properly for it! and i even forgot to study my partial fractions! fortunately i was able to remember the concepts during the test. well the paper was manageable. i hope i dont fail this or anything!
i just gained another 3 hours to my cip hours account! xD yes, that is because i went to usher for the choir concert last night. it's a combined concert of the Young Voices from Melbourne and our school choir. quite interesting. i didnt know there were more than just
one style of singing xD unfortunately i didnt get to see the 2nd half of the concert. but honestly, it was great! and i got home at 10pm! man was so worn out that i slept almost instantly after lying on the bed! didnt get to study for the maths test.
next up is honours day! and i suppose after that there'll be band or something? ah wells i dont really find band extremely boring or anything, i guess im pretty neutral about it. and i heard about many things people say.. hmmms.. how sad. awww i'll be missing our beloved xinhui aka crayon's birthday this saturday! i shall pass a message and tell people to play you a birthday song! haha. xD work hard this saturday! better practise all your majulah and school song ya! dont make
fatin run and all xD and
I dont want to run either!! remember to practise running notes and memorise them both! =D and dont forget about the sec1s! at least now we're not as busy as the past few weeks, so spend some time on them too yeah =D ah im leaving all these to andrea and fatin this saturday ya! xD
right then this seems to be getting longer and longer.
Harry Potter next week ya? =D i will end off here then. i hope theres not much of homework tmr! arghs! homework is annoying!
history is actually interesting!that is correct! you heard me right. i actually find history interesting now! well maybe because the teacher's tone is different? haha and well it's much more exciting than the old history lessons. no offence! well actually the historical things we're learning now isnt exciting but ever since i watched the disney movie anastasia yesterday i just realised how interesting history can actually get!
you do know that anastasia is this princess of russia around 1918? or something. haha. well it is actually pretty interesting to know about what happened! and especially when some of the events in her life are actually what we're learning. such as the russia revolution or something and that it was believed that the entire family was murdered by the bolshevik secret police which we had studied a little about. okay i sound really stupid but anyway it's really interesting! and according to some online sources, her bones were not found in the grave? well there were supposed to be 11sets of bones but instead there were only 7? was it? cant remember what i read online.
right right. in conclusion, history can really appeal sometimes while sometimes its just plain boring! haha xD and sometimes other subjects can be really interesting too! well you know its mostly the humans that interests me more! xD things like the sciences? well i dont know, they dont have this 'peak'. its just in the textbook, learn it, know it, apply it. well maybe sometimes you'll find out about some really cool stuff but most of the time its just plain old textbook studying. the humanities are more interactive! haha. geography can really be fun sometimes. xD
oh dear im talking all about school school and more school!
*changes subject* right
honours day is 2 weeks way. and 'my'
business cruise trip is next week. hmmms. and sunday's the
botanic garden performance thing! damn i still think we dont sound golden enough. right then. i'll test the juniors until they get it
100% right! xD come on people! we shall prove
them wrong!! oh man! so many things to do and so little time. before we know it, we'll be having exams again. sighs. by the way we watched this video on feet binding this morning for english. it was so disgusting! what a silly idea to consider people with small feet beautiful. crazy ideals! its so damaging for the foot bones! and not to mention the process is painful and makes your feet bleed and stink! gross! i pity the women in that era. seriously! thats just insanity!
honestly, people with bound feet look well.. not as nice when they walk? i mean theyre calves are like not developed! theyre as thin as well.. my wrist! thats just gross! and can you imagine? its like a pair of chopsticks vertically stuck into 2 bowls of rice. really! theyre little feet is only less than 5 inches in length! that just so inhumane! all i have to say is what a silly a rule for the women! sheesh! come on! small feet arent even.. pretty! it makes you look off balanced! big body with small legs to support! sheesh. and also! the women had to do so much chores back then, especially for the poor ones! and you know when they bind theyre feet, its as if theyre stepping on their own toes!(
the toes are forcefully bent and placed under the soles of their foot)! and when they walk its as if walking on their toes! thats just gross!! and it looks even more disgusting when you take off the little 5inches long shoes! no offence to people with bound feet. but come on! this is like abuse for the woman in that era! all right, i'll end off here.
This is annoying me!this is so unfair! now my mother is vending her silly anger on me!? i hate her!!!
you know i was just innocently reading dora's latest blog entries and she walked passed me singing this funny song which i wasnt even paying attention to. then i laughed at what dora had written in her post which my mother thought as an 'insuilt' and then she suddenly thought i was laughing at her singing which i didnt even hear and then she came to me
and started saying shit like "you dont think i dont know youre laughing at me" blablabla "i study psychology" or whatever! i wasnt even laughing at her for goodness sakes?!
for a moment i thought everything was fine cause she didnt sound mad, but then after 5minutes she walked out of the kitchen and she started saying "i am disappointed in you" blablabla "all these hardwork was for nothing" blabla she made it sound like the whole world's against her. what has she to be depressed over!?
I should be the one thinking the whole world's against me!
ALWAYS assumes things. this is
NOT the first time shes blamed me for something i didnt do!
and now she completely angry talking about "you are you and i am myself"
THIS JUST PISSED ME OFF DAMN IT!!! shes like freaking petty!! and she NEVER fails to hurt my freaking feelings!!!
I HATE THIS SHIT! its always me! you know she blamed me for not folding the clothes? but hello i did yesterday! but she put another pile a few minutes after and thats why i didnt fold. but she doesnt expect me to fold it the first thing after i wake up right!?
shit ass!
and now shes BLAMING ME! VENDING HER ANGER ON ME! SAYING SHES DISAPPOINTED IN WHAT PEOPLE ARE TREATING HER AS! I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING!!!!! DONT BLAME ME FOR EVERYTHING LITTLE TRIVIAL THING THAT HAPPENED IN HER LIFE. ITS NOT MY FAULT ANYWAY! how i wish i could just cry my troubles away. lucky her, she can just threaten and insult me because im her shit daughter and its her house im living in. shit nonsense.
I HATE MY LIFE!how i wish i could just.. grow wings and fly away from this corrupted world. corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted corrupted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ps. i think should study psychology and find out what the shit shes thinking!!