I was randomly thinking and thought that i didn't want to forget all the little details that help brighten my life :( Omg.. But i'm so lazy to document everything down! Suddenly realised time is flying by really quickly. In a few more months, i'll be gone for internship. And just in another 6months or so, i'll be graduating ._. And life would continue in university. I don't even know if i'll stay in Singapore to study. Sometimes i don't want to think about all these so quickly! I don't want to look into the future and ponder about what would happen. I just want to live in my own fantasy :(
Who knows what's going to happen in the future ._.
All thanks to
zhixin, i've found an area to put my passion to good use, haha! Just applied for a part time job at being an illustrator for children cartoon :) The contact told me that this computer program will be sold via a special needs school to the needy children. You know, i'm actually quite excited to take up this opportunity! I really think it would be a very meaningful accomplishment in my life :) And i really want to help these kids by providing my services.
But my biggest worry is my ability to cope. You know me, i get stressed out REAL easily! I really want to do this yet i fear that i cannot balance my academics with this out :( Then again, once in awhile i would feel the motivation and confidence that i can do this! I mean, what have i not handled? I've been through the rough roads of studying and taking band :) Still can't believe i managed through that! Moreover, this is something i really love doing, drawing! :)
Hence, i have more or less decided to try out this :D Well hopefully, the producer would take me in as his illustrator :D Apparently, he's running a one man show for this project for the kids and i think he needs my support , LOL omg i sound so funny D: But yeah, really, i'm very excited for this! :)
And besides, i do admit that the pay is pretty good and reasonable :)
Wish me luck guys! If i get busier, you'll know why!
BAOW 2011 ended on the 21 April for us and it felt almost like a dream. Really, i thought i would be happy that it has finally ended but nah, i feel so empty :( There was no proper closure on the last day of the camp. I felt so odd that night, cause i really wanted to go home to sleep but at the same time i wanted to see everyone for the last time, so i hung about. Took some inidividual photos with some of the people :)
I would indeed miss the times we had together :) All that trial and actual event camps. I think after this, i would feel kind of empty cause we wouldn't meet as much in school since our schedules don't clash much :( I would love to join back any society events :) Oh well, thank you society for letting me experience such wonders throughout the year :) It has become a part of me and i would never forget the good times we had. Let's continue to keep in contact and really, we need to meet up so i can give yall a HUG!! :D
Well school's back in action and i absolutely hate it! Tutorials are getting harder, bcomm is just plain disgusting and project due dates are all over the place which are all coming soon! I'm so lazzzyyy, lost my momentum to do any homework or projects :( but yeah i'll have to do it soon!
I've been utterly disappointed with a lot of things lately. I've been thinking and reflecting on a lot of things and i just think life is simply unfair. Wish i could break free. Sian. IGNC
Dyed my hair again today :) It's mahagony red now :D I love it! I hope it doesn't fade seriously T.T But i know it will, eventually, 1-3 months? I think my hair fades especially fast, emos :( I told myself that i wouldn't dye for another 3-4months cause it's really bad for my hair! But then when it fades, i'll be so upset that i wanna dye again T.T
All right, i've nothing else to say :)

Tried some photography today :D Umm, this is my first "artistic" macro shot D: Not that great but it turned out pretty fine, haha (Y) uploaded some more in my facebook, too lazy to upload the other 2 under here. Oh welly~ didn't publish these images but if you wanna see, theyre under my "Random Snaps Across Time" ^^v Aye, i suck la~ That ribbon was given by sokwan :3 And i drew that tiger :D
It's Chinese New Yearrrr!! :) :) :) It's time to SPAM CNY GOODIESSSS! hahah :x oopsies, but this is my favourite other than collecting angbaos :D tehe!
Anyway, it's the year of the rabbit, here's wishing everyone good health and wealth! :D May you and your families prosper with goooood luck :D I don't know a lot of chinese new year proverbs :( i only know stay healthy, may there be remainders every year, happy cny, gongxifacai? haha i cant rmb all on the spot.
I'm thankful to say that at least i dont have to study for sem end exams this CNY :) And i can peacefully start studying next week, yay! :D Haha
Well, that's it for now :D May we all PROSPER WITH GOOD LUCK :D HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR !
I realised that a lot of my moods are tired/sleepy x) Oh welly, i'm becoming so worn T.T Went out this afternoon to meet Jebi for the last time before she leaves for Haiti and UK/US university for the next few years :( Aww we'll miss you dealry Jebsss! *hearts*
Spent my morning at Ubi, having my first driving lesson. It was funn nahh, i think i'm addicted to driving? Though the feeling is slowly fading now x) But i think it was funn :) The instructor was nice too though he was scary when it comes to braking cause he's friggin serious about it D: Well, i'm glad i got the trick for braking in the end :) It's not as jerky as how i started out. My mum says old car the accelerator and brake sure very lousy one, haha. 1Hour40mins passed really quickly! Before long, my lesson had ended, haha. Never knew turning was seriously based on your feel. I kept asking how to tell when a turn was enough then he just kept saying i had to feel it on my own. And since the speed difference affects turn angle, i could never get the same shit again. But one thing, i can turn at friggin 20km/h and not any faster, lol. I'm stil not very good with sharp turns D: I'd better book more lessons so i don't lose the feel. I realise i concentrate too much on the road, i don't focus much on pedestrians x) I don't notice them coming at all, oops. haha Oh well, i'll get use to it?
Headed home to sleep for an hour before picking up ECD to study. Horrible cause i was friggin ass sleepy! But i managed to complete 3 chapters briefly :( I'm so worried! There are so many tests coming and i haven't prepared for them! I'm hoping the lecturer would give us exact guidelines to tell us what to study for ECD during the revision lecture and i can follow it. I really don't think i have time to study :( Still got CMA and BTT :(
Went out at about 3pm to meet Jeb and the others at TPY Hub Macs :) Our last meal together before she leaves for overseas~ Had fun today talking for HOURS at macs after our random phototaking session, haha! I'm like friggin taking so many photos now cause i love my new camera :P I love the colourss~ Aww :3
Yups, that's it for now. In the meantime,
Aww, just returned from the last BA Society big event - BAMP 2010! :) This will also be the last time we'll camp over in school and basically have fun :D Aww i'll miss everyone :) Apart from that, the year's also gonna end, aww adding on to the emptiness.
Anyway, here to do an update on BAMP which is gonna be pretty short. Will just update important stuff :D
Went to sch on day zero to prepare logistics for BAMP. Good luck, we've already packed most of the logistics 2 days before so we didn't have to do much this day. We only had to carry over the stuff and go through all the game details :D So yar, had packed dinner. Actually i can't rmb much that happened, i have a goldfish memory x) I guess we prepared and checked on remaining logistics :D
Remember waking up at about 9.30am the next morning and reported at 10am to start setting up stuff. Participants were coming in in the afternoon so we went down to set up the attic :D Then headed off the do up nightwalk rooms.
I think the nightwalk was quite awesome for something so last minute :) Cause we were originally gonna use classrooms but then there were only 8 rooms available, hence we changed it to the loft instead. All the activities and ideas thought up for the new nightwalk was all within a day okay! Thats something worth praising! xD Made up the scarers as well and we were ready for the show! :)
I think the participants had a good time in their nightwalk :) Everything finally ended at about 2am, had a quick briefing for the following day's activities and only managed to sleep at 4am or so T.T Sleepy to the max man.
Woke up at 9+ am the next morning, gosh i felt like my eyes were cemented together, couldn't open them! I know Alyssa woke us up 4 over times but i was still so darn sleepy. The room was friggin cold too! Wearing socks to sleep helped though :D
Set off the setup the game stations :D Yada yada, the usuals, had lunch and continued with the games and released participants for dinner and us as well.
Prepared for campfire and honestly i feel like this year's campfire was a lil dead? Stupid estate la. So early come chase us off, spoil the mood only! Last year's bamp ended at nearing 12 but this year's one ended at 11 sharp, emoshit. Packed up the area, help cleared the campfire logistics.
Headed back to loft and had another quick briefing for tmr :D Slept at 3am T.T
Woke up at 9.30am and i was DROPDEAD TIRED! Didn't sleep properly for 2 consecutive days! :( So today was the last day, gathered participants at the grand stand and they had their cheeroffs and prize bidding :) Also had 1 more ending event, ball of strings. Personally i think this game is very meaningful cause you get to say your first, last impressions and other stuff that you wanna say to someone :) It was a good closure.
Went up stage with sokwan to tell them the actual nightwalk storyline. I felt damn awkward cause the atmosphere was "i wanna go home, whats she talking about?" and we were still talking :( Sorry but i couldn't hype up the crowd so sok and i just "..." away xD Yup, it didn't end that bad though, haha.
So had a mass phototaking session after that and had loads of fun taking loads of photos with loads of people x)
So packed up the place, loft and society room and went for BASociety christmas party in the night :) We played angel and mortal aqnd my mortal was tracy and my angel was cheryl. I guess my angel right! Haha, actually i had this gut feeling it was her then with her handwriting, i confirmed it xD I mean if i didn't have the handwriting, i would randomly guess cheryl, LOL! Tracy laa! Guess me back so i kena forfeit xD I think cheryl's gift was damn cute ah! Thanks cheryl! :) And i hope tracy likes mine :D
Had a 'photo marathon' as quoted from fiona, haha. Took photos with a lot of people that i've never really taken photos with :) It was funnn! It's true that we get closer to people after every event :) Awww i'll miss camping around with them :( The next time we'll meet again is BAOC already, time really flies. Even DPA orientation and lecturers' day won't need us to gather for anything :(
All in all, i had LOTS OF FUN :) THANK YOU BA SOCIETY FOR MAKING THE YEAR SO GREAT :) Really appreciate ya guys being around :) Well then, it's a new year full of new adventures! Let's brace them together :D
Had dinner at my auntie's as usual. Drank CHOYA wine today x) Whoa, i felt blood rush up my entire face ah! I was friggin hot and my face was shitass RED but i wasn't sleepy or drunk x) Guess it just got my blood flowin' :)